A Comprehensive Guide to Using Greenhouses for Winter Farming

A customized Cross Country greenhouse

Winter farming inside a greenhouse can be quite exciting. All you need to do is learn about the right techniques for an epic growing season.

Mulberry Greenhouses’ team has curated this guide to help you kick-start your winter gardening journey this year. We offer impeccable greenhouse accessories and kits with a price match guarantee and amazing discounts.

Let’s learn about it to ensure you don’t leave out any important details!

Choose the Right Greenhouse

Firstly, you need to buy a greenhouse that’s perfect for winter farming. It’s not always a great idea to buy the greenhouse that catches your eye on the first go. Winter farming requirements are unique and complicated. And specific features and materials like tempered glass, polycarbonate, and insulation work better in colder regions.

Rich soil with freshly sprouted seeds

Hence, you should opt for a polycarbonate, glass, or a Low-E panel greenhouse to maximize the winter farming experience.

Pick the Right Plants

Choosing the right type of plant is the second step to winter farming success. Cold-tolerant root plants are perfect for beginners who want a rapid production rate. Plants like leaks, carrots, lettuce, potatoes, and parsley grow from October through mid-January. Winter farming is either a hit or miss, so it’s best to stick to winter-friendly crops for guaranteed results.

Plant at the Right Time

Sowing too early or too late in winter can impact your winter farming schedule. While it totally depends on what you’re growing, your best bet is to plant with a 70-80 days timeline. Plants grow slowly in lower temperatures, with reduced sunlight exposure and frost risks.

We suggest you buy greenhouse heaters, vents, insulation wraps, and fleece tunnels to improve plant growth in lower heat and higher humidity levels.

A large customized greenhouse

Here are some more tips to follow:

  • Avoid overwatering plants because hardy root plants don’t require excess moisture
  • Remove snow and frost daily and closely monitor and manage any signs of pests and mites
  • Introduce heat sources earlier in autumn to make your plants adjust properly
  • Use a heat source if your greenhouse doesn’t receive adequate sunlight
  • Don’t let greenhouse temperature fall below 20 degrees, or it will consume a lot of energy for heating
  • Provide insulation and drafts to prevent frost formation and wind damage

Quality Greenhouse Kits and Greenhouse Accessories for Sale

Mulberry Greenhouses prioritizes customer satisfaction and product quality. We’re a leading greenhouse kit, and greenhouse accessories distributor offering reliable products are reasonable prices. You can count on us original branded greenhouses and high-performance greenhouse fans, heaters, vents, louvers, pollinators, and more.

Frost on greenhouse fences

We offer Solexx greenhouse flooring, Cross Country, MONT, Riga greenhouse for sale, Lumen & Forge, Janssens, and many other greenhouse brands under one roof.

Contact us for more details, and browse our products to find what you’re looking for!

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